US Commits to Protecting Education during Conflict
Click to expand Image A school guard walks in the corridor of a school which was heavily damaged after a Russian airstrike in Mohrytsia, Ukraine, August 14, 2024. ? 2024 Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Photo Tod...
Proposed EU Bill Could Unravel Corporate Accountability Laws
Click to expand Image President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, during a press conference in Strasbourg, France, September 17, 2024. ? 2024 Philipp von Ditfurth/picture-alliance/dpa/...
Haiti: Escalating Violence; Humanitarian Crisis
Residents walk past a burnt car as they evacuate the Delmas 22 neighborhood the morning after an attack amid ongoing criminal violence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, May 2, 2024. ? 2024 Ramon Esp...
Australia: Reversals in Respect for Children¡¯s Rights
Click to expand Image A cell at Cairns watch house in Queensland, Australia where the authorities detained children in 2024. ? 2024 Inspector of Detention Services, Office of the Queensland Ombudsman ...
East Africa, Horn: Civilian Suffering in Armed Conflict
Click to expand Image Refugees are taken in trucks from Joda, on the Sudanese border, to Renk, in South Sudan. ? 2024 Sipa via AP Images (Nairobi) ¨C Civilians in East Africa and the Horn bore the brun...
Cambodia: Hun Manet Drastically Curtails Rights
Click to expand Image Environmental activist Phuon Keoraksmey is escorted by police officers following the guilty verdict in the criminal trial of 10 Mother Nature activists, at the municipal court in...
Syria: Chance to End The Cycle of Repression, Abuse
Click to expand Image A woman wearing a Syrian opposition flag visits Sednaya prison near Damascus, Syria, December 12, 2024 ? 2024 Antonio Pedro Santos/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock. (Beirut) ¨C The overthrow ...
UK: New Government Failing to Uphold Democratic Freedoms
Click to expand Image Thousands of peaceful protesters?stand up for rights in an Anti-Racism Protest in London, UK, August 7, 2024. ? Martin Suker (London) ¨CUnited Kingdom authorities are seriously un...
West Africa: Civilians Unprotected in Conflicts
Click to expand Image The leaders of Niger, Gen. Abdourahamane Tiani (C), Mali, Col. Assimi Goita (L), and Burkina Faso, Capt. Ibrahim Traore (R), show the documents of the Confederation of Sahel Stat...
Venezuela: Rights Crisis Deepens as Maduro is Sworn in
Relatives of political prisoners light candles during a vigil calling for their freedom in Caracas, Venezuela on Sunday, December 1, 2024.? ? 2024 AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos (Mexico City) ¨C Repression i...
Ni?os que temen ser adultos: El fracaso del sistema para proteger a los y las menores migrantes llegados a Canarias
Madrid.- Amnist¨ªa Internacional ha enviado una carta a todas las autoridades competentes (Gobiernos auton¨®micos, Central y Partidos Pol¨ªticos) sobre la necesidad de respetar el inter¨¦s superior del me...
Israel y el Territorio Palestino Ocupado: El tr¨¢gicamente demorado alto el fuego no reparar¨¢ las vidas de palestinos y palestinas destrozadas por el genocidio israel¨ª en Gaza
En respuesta a la noticia de que Israel y Ham¨¢s han acordado un alto el fuego que comenzar¨¢ el 19 de enero de 2025, Agn¨¨s Callamard, secretaria general de Amnist¨ªa Internacional, ha declarado: ¡°La not...
Nigeria: Boko Haram debe poner fin a la oleada de matanzas despiadadas
En respuesta al homicidio de m¨¢s de 40 civiles a manos de Boko Haram durante un ataque a comunidades agr¨ªcolas del estado de Borno (nordeste de Nigeria) el 12 de enero, Isa Sanusi, director de Amnist¨ª...
Ir¨¢n: La germano-iran¨ª Nahid Taghavi, por fin en libertad
Tras m¨¢s de 1.500 d¨ªas de detenci¨®n arbitraria, la activista de los derechos de las mujeres Nahid Taghavi, que tiene doble nacionalidad alemana-iran¨ª, ha sido puesta en libertad. Regres¨® a Alemania el...
Amnist¨ªa Internacional lanza ¡°El atraco¡± de la mano de La Despensa
En Rusia, la libertad de expresi¨®n est¨¢ siendo amenazada. Las condenas por expresarse en contra de la guerra en Ucrania son equiparables a las condenas impuestas por delitos como el atraco a un banco....
Filipinas: Aprobados proyectos de extracci¨®n de n¨ªquel pese a consultas inadecuadas y graves riesgos para la salud y el medioambiente de las comunidades
¡°Los pueblos ind¨ªgenas y las comunidades rurales de Filipinas est¨¢n siendo sometidos a numerosos abusos contra los derechos humanos en el contexto de la r¨¢pida expansi¨®n de la extracci¨®n de n¨ªquel, co...
Pakist¨¢n: Deben cesar las nuevas detenciones, reclusiones y acoso contra personas refugiadas afganas
En respuesta a los informes sobre detenci¨®n arbitraria y acoso contra personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo afganas por parte de los cuerpos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley en Islamabad, Paki...
Angola: En libertad cinco personas cr¨ªticas con el gobierno tras m¨¢s de un a?o de reclusi¨®n arbitraria
En respuesta a la excarcelaci¨®n de cinco personas cr¨ªticas con el gobierno de Angola tras m¨¢s de un a?o de reclusi¨®n arbitraria entre rejas, la directora regional adjunta de Amnist¨ªa Internacional par...
Rep¨²blica Democr¨¢tica del Congo: El presidente Tshisekedi debe detener las ejecuciones masivas previstas
En respuesta a la noticia de que m¨¢s de 170 personas condenadas a muerte han sido trasladadas a la prisi¨®n de Angenga (Rep¨²blica Democr¨¢tica del Congo) para ser ejecutadas, la directora regional adjun...
L¨ªbano: No se debe extraditar al poeta Abdul Rahman al Qaradawi ni a Egipto ni a Emiratos ?rabes Unidos
En respuesta a sendas solicitudes de extradici¨®n formuladas por las autoridades de Egipto y Emiratos ?rabes Unidos en relaci¨®n con Abdul Rahman al Qaradawi ¡ªpoeta egipcio-turco detenido arbitrariament...
Your right to stand for forests is under attack ¡ª again
If it seems like we¡¯ve been talking about lawsuits a lot lately, it¡¯s because we have.Corporate bullies, helped by Donald Trump¡¯s go-to law firm, have filed two massive lawsuits against Greenpeace in ...
Sponsoring climate change
It is that time again.?Four years roll by and once more the greatest winter athletes in the world will come together to wow us on death-defying luge runs, courageous ski jumps or surprisingly mesmeris...
A tribute to Jon Castle
James (Jon) Castle -?7 December 1950 to 12 January 2018Over four decades Captain Jon Castle navigated Greenpeace ships by the twin stars of ¡®right and wrong¡¯, defending the environment and promoting p...
We don't just need electric cars, we need fewer cars
Ever since the first production car rolled off the assembly line more than 100 years ago, our love affair with automobiles has grown and grown. In countries like the UK, France, Italy and Germany ther...
Diving to the Antarctic sea floor is a scientist¡¯s dream come true
Most people would be surprised about how many species of cold-water corals and amazing sponges you¡¯d find on the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. Even as the scientist who has identified three quarters ...
The Rise of the Penguins
Never have so many penguins been seen waddling in so many places.They were ice skating in Stockholm, tap dancing in London, trekking up the highest mountain in Turkey and marching on mass in central T...
Listening for Justice in Davos
¡°Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing¡± - Arundhati RoyI can hear her too. I have spent my working life trying to help others hear her. I wond...
Which is the Antarctic's top penguin?
Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don¡¯t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weathe...
We can¡¯t just recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis
Plastics are in the air. Not only literally. Everyone's talking about plastic pollution and the need to take action.You don¡¯t need to be conducting a scientific research to see that plastic waste is i...
How do we make corporations more accountable?
Greenpeace is famous for campaigning against corporations.We made ¡°Choke¡± out of Coca-Cola's logo to draw attention to the massive plastic pollution impact?they have?around the world.?Polar bear hijac...