4 fotosEl chocante arte de Maurizio CattelanEl chocante arte de Maurizio Cattelan 04 nov 2011 - 21:24CETWhatsappFacebookTwitterLinkedinCopiar enlaceMini Me, 1999. Rubber, resin, synthetic hair, paint, and clothing, 45 x 20 x 23 cm / ? Maurizio Cattelan Photo: Attilio Maranzano, courtesy the artistMaurizio Cattelan. L.O.V.E., 2010 / Carrara marble, figure: 470 x 220 x 72 cm; base: 630 x 470 x 470 cm Courtesy of the artist. ? Maurizio Cattelan / Photo: Zeno ZottiPolyester resin, wax, pigment, human hair, fabric, clothing, accessories, stone, glass, and carpet, dimensions variable / Courtesy of the artist. ? Maurizio Cattelan / Photo: Attilio MaranzanoUntitled, 2001. Wax, pigment, human hair, fabric, and polyester resin, 150 x 60 x 40 cm / ? Maurizio Cattelan / Photo: Attilio Maranzano, courtesy the artist