24 fotosContra el afropesimismoLa ficci¨®n puede ser la mejor forma de acercarse a la realidad. El festival de fotograf¨ªa africana Lagos Photo lo constata.Gloria Crespo MacLennan03 feb 2016 - 00:02CETWhatsappFacebookTwitterBlueskyLinkedinCopiar enlaceThe Superwel¨¦s.Patrick Willocq(Re)-mixing Hollywood, Thelma & Louise, Abidjan, 2013.Antonie Temp¨¦Whiteshadows I-Schemes.William UkohEl Blanco.Ricardo CasesThis is what hatred did.Cristina de MiddelImagen de la serie Pony Pongo.Vicente ParedesImagen de la serie La Picnolepsia de Thsomb¨¦ .Gloria OyarzabalThe profecy, Keur Massar, 2013.Fabrice MonteiroWaiting for the spring, The wall.Daniel DonellyYellow T-shirt, Escape.Owise AbuzaidLe Survivant.Patrick SelemaniStanding at the Graveyards of E-Waste.Stanley GreeneMali.Jerome DelayNigerian identity.Ima MfonMy Lagos, Almaz, 24.Robin HammondMusclemen.Leonce RafaelInfra-red fashion.Mehdi SefriouiThe getto tarot, II of pentacles.Alice SmeetsPantsula, Female real actions Pantsula members.Chris SuandersPassport Paris and West Africa, Kati, Mali, 2013.?mile R¨¦gnierWotsit all About.James OstrerAwoulaba, Taille fine, The Black Taille fine.Joana ChoumaliAnother, Avant garde.Kadara EnyeasiUnomgcana.Nobukho Nqaba